Scotland has an on-going need for affordable housing.
It is crucial to address this need and to provide the necessary housing on an on-going basis.


It has become clear that the offsite construction industry can play a major role in addressing this need, but only if the leading companies in this field work together towards the common goal.

We believe that it is incumbent upon Scotland’s leading offsite design, manufacturing and installation companies to collaborate to achieve best practice and to grow the industry in the most constructive way.

With this in mind, ten of Scotland’s leading offsite construction experts have formed a collaborative called Offside Solutions Scotland Limited (‘OSS’), which is operative across Scotland.

OSS is supported by Scottish Enterprise, Construction Scotland Innovation Centre, and Edinburgh Napier University, each of which is represented on its board.

The collaborative encourages sharing among its members of invaluable knowledge, skills and experience, cooperation between members for within technical/innovation projects, teamwork between members when engaging in research and development, and joint promotion by members of the development and replenishment of necessary skills.

Other key objectives for OSS include improving awareness in Scotland of native capacity and capabilities, and spreading the word about their capabilities across the wider UK marketplace.

The consequences of this collaboration will be the emergence of Scotland as a centre of excellence for the offsite construction industry, which will both attract investment within Scotland, and open doors to further opportunities throughout the UK and beyond.

OSS is the solution to affordable housing shortages.

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